When migrating the configuration data from Urchin to Angelfish you are likely to see a "Filters Not Migrated" section after the process is complete.
This is because Urchin stores more and different database fields.
This list shows which fields match between the two applications.
Angelfish Field Name | Urchin Field Name | Human Readable Name |
b_name | browser_base | Browser Name |
b_version | browser_version | Browser Version |
campaign | utm_campaign | Campaign |
content | utm_content | Campaign Content |
city | geo_city | City |
country | geo_country | Country Code |
file | cs_uristem | Filename |
host | c_host | Hit Hostname |
ip | c_ip | IP Address |
keyword | utm_term | Keyword |
language | utm_language | Browser Language |
medium | utm_medium | Medium |
page | request_stem | Page Stem |
ssl | request_protocol | Page SSL |
title | utm_page_title | Page Title |
os_name | platform_base | Platform |
os_version | platform_version | Platform Version |
query_string | request_query | Query String |
isp | geo_organization | Service Provider |
source | utm_source | Source |
state | geo_region | State/Region |
status | sc_status | Status Code |
udv | user_defined_variable | User-defined Variable |
ua | cs_useragent | User Agent |
type | utm_type | Visitor Type |
This will come into play when creating filters and when migrating configuration information.
You are likely to see a "Filters Not Migrated" line in the Migration Error Summary with a number specified.
This is due to the dimension fields within that Urchin filter not corresponding to an existing Angelfish dimension field for the same dimension.