
Filters Overview

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Angelfish has five Filter Types:

  • Include
  • Exclude
  • Advanced
  • Search and Replace
  • Raw

Filters are most efficient when RegEx match patterns are used.  

Help Article: RegEx Overview



An Include filter will match a set of predefined conditions and exclude everything that does not match. 

In this particular case only visits to the 'products' page will be included in the reports. 






The image below shows an Exclude filter that will ignore all hits from the specified IP addresses. 

An Exclude filter will filter out every condition you define and include everything else.





Take a look at the included filter Stem + Query filter show below.  

This is an advanced filter which matches anything that has a Page Stem and anything that has a Query String.

It then combines the two strings into one string and inserts it into the Page Stem field.

Advanced Construction:  Notice the Output field.

This is where you take the Conditions and build something with them.  

Here we have taken the first Condition line, first field, $1:1 (because you can have multiple matching fields in each line), and attached the second Condition line, first field, $2:1.  

We have also chosen to place a '?' in between them (with a backslash to escape the regex value of the question mark), like in the raw log files.  

This creates the full constructor string $1:1\?$2:1.





Search and Replace

The following Search and Replace filter matches back to back forward slashes in the page stem and replaces it with a single '/'.





Raw Filters run before any sessionization logic is applied to the hit.  Raw Filters use include or exclude logic only, and are applied directly to the raw contents of the log field.

For this reason, Raw Filters provide a significant performance improvement over the other Filter types.

Here are some common use cases for Raw Filters:

  • Include Pageviews in a specific subdirectory  (e.g. SharePoint subsites)
  • Exclude traffic from an internal network
  • Include traffic to a single Hostname (useful with multitenant logs)


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