
Release Notes - Angelfish Software v2.0

Release Notes - Angelfish Software - Version 2.0

New Features:

- Smaller storage requirements, faster API, faster log processing
- Filter ordering
- Added storage DB maintenance option
- Universal Analytics support
- New reports: referral page, all IP addresses, download file types, stolen file types, mobile,
bandwidth by datasource, bandwidth by hostname, total bandwidth
- New dimension: Mobile, Referral Page
- New segment: Mobile, Referral Page
- New config setting: anonymize IP addresses
- Option to ignore inflated visits (ideal for non-JS tracking methods)


- Allow Passthrough Auth field to be copied/pasted
- Concurrent log processing for visit and IT report data
- Signed Windows installer
- Updated API dimension: Landing Page
- Windows: remove FW rules during upgrade & uninstallation
- Optimized pass-through authentication
- Updated filter logic to AND for conditions
- Updated UDV logic
- Updated AGF tracking code for UDV
- Show UDV report & segmentation option in all reports
- IE compatibility mode for intranet sites
- Unblock agf.gif and __utm.gif in IT reports
- Update W3C log format mappings
- Update visit table with dimensions from first pageview
- New filter field: referral page
- Increase max memory limit per connection
- Remove archive UI component
- Update hits & bytes processing to include downloads and total
- Upgrade databases to new storage format
- Add source preset to Referral Page report
- Add Exit Page to segmentation
- Licensing Screen: show message for unsupported browser
- Reorder reports in Visitor Details section
- Update all tooltip locations where (not set) is referenced
- Update Campaigns report
- Update Variations report
- Bandwidth type segment doesn't need total
- Processlogs: optimize memory usage for hits processing
- Dashboard widget: Mobile
- Improve speed of IT Reports: Hostnames
- Create sile extension dimensions
- Add file extension segments to their appropriate segmentation menus.
- Update 404 screen
- Update run/data management tab
- Task History: add DB maintenance message
- Bulk Update: add DB Maintenance items
- Add stolen bandwidth hostname(s) field
- Datamigration: apply filters during processing if --usefilters flag is present
- Reorder task history messages
- Add "Processing complete." to end of task history
- Update bandwidth widget
- AGF tracking method: add setUsername logic
- Relabel Goal report columns
- Improve row count message
- Update default max_log_processors value
- Mobile detection: Blackberry
- Update exclude bots filter
- Format goal settings tooltip
- Tracking code generator: sign angelfish.js
- schedulerd.log: fewer notifications
- processlogs: aggregate it.db ipaddresses by day
- AGF: BingPreview browser
- Reduce vertical sprawl of tracking method tooltip
- Update raw filter type text
- Update in-app links with marketing variables
- Report UI: referrers
- New API dimension: referralpage
- Add referral page to segment menu
- Tracking code: add rp parameter
- AGF code: setUsername
- Create profile database files when profile is created.


- Some files not loading properly over VPN/slow connections
- Delete processing.lock file if processing crashes
- MacOS platform version detection
- Datamigration: error parsing XML response
- angelfish.access.log hits have incorrect date stamp
- Unknown country code with UGA Tracking
- Task history percent updates 2 rows for a canceled job
- Landing page segmentation: bad input invalid metrics
- Map graph uses wrong metrics
- Processlogs sometimes doesn't process hits.
- Processing: OS isn't being correctly written
- Pages report: pageview total doesn't match profile snapshot
- UGA tracking gif not showing up in IT database with NCSA + cookie logs
- Firefox: segment spinny shows up in wrong spot
- UGA: more pageviews than utm.gif hits
- AGF: visitor modal doesn't load for some visits
- All navigation: bad input, invalid metric(s)
- Quicksegs (+) don't always load
- No error in task history when no datasource defined
- Processing with no datasource prevents future processing
- Datamigration: Medium = "organic, $Version=1"
- Bandwidth type widget not loading pie chart
- IPUA: Odd behavior with INCLUDE pageview file extension
- Update file extension detection
- Bandwidth dash widget empty until clearing cache files and reloading
- Task history: cancelled job listed as finished
- Bandwidth widget: rounding error
- Processing: xls, xlsm, xlsx are being matched even if not specified
- Upgrader doesn't export data from zipped DB files
- User authentication bypassed
- Iphone being listed as Desktop
- Nested segments: totals not matching with UDV segments
- All IP addresses: MB needs more precision
- Mobile segment: relabel dimension column
- Linux: scheduler will not start at end of installer
- Linux: API requests write files to /tmp
- Linux: schedulerd starts and stops immediately
- Linux: processlogs memory leak
- Linux: licensing: Update license not restarting Angelfish service
- Linux: .pid files not deleted after processing
- Linux: cancel job button leaves zombie process


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