
Linux: Change the User Account used by Angelfish

During installation, you assign a (non-root) user account that will own the Angelfish processes and files. Your sysadmin will be able to handle this, but it's also easy to do it yourself - here's how:


1) Create the user account
If you need help, consult your sysadmin for assistance.


2) Stop Angelfish processes via the control utility

/usr/local/agfs/agfsctl --stop


3) Assign ownership to the new user and group
Use the chown command to change file and folder ownership

chown -R newuser:newgroup /usr/local/agfs/

If the Angelfish data directory is not located under the Angelfish root directory, you'll also want to run the chown command on the data directory. The location of the data directory is listed in agf.conf.


4) Start Angelfish processes via the control utility

/usr/local/agfs/agfsctl --start
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