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A dimension is an independent value, stored per visit or per hit. API requests typically reference a combination of dimensions and metrics.
Visit Dimensions
A visit dimension is any value stored in relation to a user session (visit).
Any visit-level dimension can be tracked back to a specific visit and, ultimately, to a unique visitor.
Dimension | Description |
browsername | The name of the browser used by a visitor, e.g. Chrome. |
browserversion | The version of the browser used. |
bouncestem | The URI associated with a bounce. |
campaign | Marketing Variable: the name of the campaign attached to the visit. Default value = (not set) |
city | The city in which the visit originated, determined by a geo lookup of the IP address. |
colordepth | The color depth (number of colors) of the visitor's browser. |
countrycode | The 2-letter ISO_3166-1 country code for the visitor, determined by a geo lookup of the IP address. |
countryname | The country name for the visit, determined by a geo lookup of the IP address. |
firsttime | The GMT epoch seconds of the first pageview made in a visit. |
goal | The number of the goal completed during the visit. (e.g. 1 through 5) |
ip | The Client IP address of the visit. |
javaenabled | Boolean: Java enabled in the user's browser = 1, Java disabled (or not available) = 0 |
jsversion | The javascript version used by the browser during a Visit. |
keyword | Marketing Variable: stores the keyword from a search engine referral, or the keyword defined with the agft parameter. (or utm_term with UGA profiles) |
language | The language selected in the browser during the visit. |
lasttime | A timestamp in GMT epoch seconds of the last pageview made in a visit. |
medium | Marketing Variable: the method which referred the Visit, e.g. organic, email, cpc, banner |
metrocode | The code for the metropolitan region of the Visit's location (USA only), determined by a geo lookup of the IP address. |
metroname | The name of the metropolitan region for the user's location (USA only), determined by a geo lookup of the IP address.. |
mobile | Each Visit is categorized as "desktop" or "mobile" depending on the user agent. |
pagehostname | The Hostname(s) for all Pages viewed. |
pagehostname:{N} | The Hostname for a Pageviews requested during a Visit. Replace {N} with the Pageview number to retrieve. pagehostname:2 returns the hostname for the second page viewed in a visit. |
pagereferrerstem | The URI of the previous pageview, for internal referrals only. |
pagestem | The URI reference (stem + query) of all pages viewed. |
pagestem:{N} | The URI reference (stem + query) for a pageview made during a visit. Replace {N} with the page number to retrieve. pagestem:2 would return the stem for the second page viewed in a visit. |
pagetime | A timestamp in GMT epoch seconds for a pageview. |
pagetitle | The title(s) of pages viewed. |
pagetitle:{N} | The title of a page viewed during a visit. Replace {N} with the page number to retrieve. pagetitle:2 would return the title of the second page viewed in a visit. |
pageviewpath:{N} | Returns a specified URI path of a page viewed in a visit. pageviewpath:2 of the page '/part1/part2/part3' would return 'part2/'. |
platformname | The name of the user's platform (OS), e.g., Windows. |
platformversion | The version of the user's platform (OS). |
regioncode | The 2-letter code for the user's State, Region, or Province, determined by a geo lookup of the IP address. |
regionname | The name for the user's State, Region, or Province, determined by a geo lookup of the IP address. |
screenheight | The height (in pixels) of the user's screen. |
screenwidth | The width (in pixels) of the user's screen. |
serviceprovider | The name of the organization registered to the IP address. |
source | Marketing Variable: the website (e.g. google) or entity (e.g. 20140428-newsletter) which referred the visitor to the website. |
udv | The value of the user-defined variable for the visit. |
username | The username associated with the visit. |
variation | Marketing Variable: the value of the Variation field for the visit, used to differentiate between similar links. Default value = (not set) |
visitid | The ID of the visit. |
visitorid | The unique ID for a visitor. |
visitortype | new if the visit is the first for a visitor, returning otherwise. |
Hit Dimensions
A hit dimension is an independent value associated with hits in the IT Reports section. Hits are not linked to visits or visitors.
Dimension | Description |
downloadfilehost | Downloads: the hostname for the file downloaded. |
downloadfilestem | Downloads: the URI stem for the file downloaded. |
downloadhitip | Downloads: the IP address of the user downloading the file. |
downloadhittime | Downloads: the timestamp in GMT epoch seconds when the file was downloaded. |
filehost | The hostname for the file requested. |
filepath:{N} | A part of a file path. filepath:2 for the file '/part1/part2/part3.mp3' would return 'part2/'. |
filestem | The URI stem of the file requested. |
filetype | The file type | mime type of the hit. Hits with no file type are represented by a dash. |
hittime | The timestamp in GMT epoch seconds when the hit was made. |
leechdomain | Stolen Bandwidth: the referring domain of the hotlink request. |
leechfilehost | Stolen Bandwidth: the hostname that served the hotlinked file |
leechfilestem | Stolen Bandwidth: the URI stem for the hotlinked file. |
leechhitip | Stolen Bandwidth: the IP address of the user accessing the hotlinked file. |
leechhittime | Stolen Bandwidth: the timestamp in GMT epoch seconds when the hotlinked file was accessed. |
leechreferrer | Stolen Bandwidth: the referrer string for the hotlinked file. |
leechstatuscode | Stolen Bandwidth: the web server status code for the hotlinked file. |
leechstem | Stolen Bandwidth: the page stem of the leechdomain that contains the hotlink. |
statuscode | The web server response status code. |